OK I'm getting tired so I'll make this on short...

We started the day witha tour of a castle/fort thing...

you can tell I was paying a lot of attention to the history lesson this morning can't you...

but I enjoyed it none the less...

I always enjoy these places...

partitally because I'm pretty sure there is some part of me that wants to have lived in the times when they were built and used...

only the romanticized versions though... and of course I would be a princess or some other high ranking female that didn't have to do much... but would then also not have to bow down to the men in the family, so I'm not sure how that would work...

And finally once we reached Barcelona, here we are at dinner before the Flamenco dancing (no we didn't participate, it was a perfoemance this time)...
Lots of love and hugz
I think only the rank of queen would do and you would have to be one without a king so you didn't have to share power. But where would be the fun in that?