Now, we are going to play a game... what do you think we spent most of today doing??? Yup we had a looooong bus ride...

Now, for me personally, I don't mind the bus... I've developed this amazing ability to fall asleep almost instantaneously when the bus engine starts... and this morning I needed sleep... 4 hours a night just doesn't do it for me.

Some of the passengers are going a little bonkers though and today was the longest trip so far, lasting about 10 hours all up (we now all have 'special jobs' and Eddy and I are the office administrators and sleeping specialists)...

The new hotel room is great though...

we have a bath, a shower, a sex shower (not that I need one, it has 2 shower heads) and lots of room :D :D :D...

but before and after dinner we had a bit of sight seeing Plaza Mayor and a garden that I can't remember the name of... its beautiful... once again... and I think that I am starting to become numb to the beauty, which is unfortunate, because I have had nothing else to compare to in about 3 weeks!!!

(Eddy taking a photo I hadn't noticed...)
I know I know, you all thinking poor poor Darcy, stop complaining and put up some more pictures already...

Okay. Fine.

(Oh your there... better smile for once)

lots of love and hugz

(random artsy shot that I had some fun with...)
P.S. Today, due in part to the lack of sleep I think... I had my first bout of homesickness... :( but don't worry about me, I'm okay now... its the danger of having too much time to think on the bus...
PPS sorry about no posts this week, I got a little behind... but I think there about 5 posts today so keep reading on...