Do you feel like everyone around you is moving fowards with their lives yet no matter how hard your try you feel cemented in the same spot??? apparently its a common feeling... I don't know where I got that little fact... maybe its just wishful thinking on my behalf... bacause thats how I'm feeling right now... *sigh*
I think that I'm just sometimes afraid of actually living my life... so I flirt with the edges of it, close enough to have the appearance of living but far enough away to be 'safe'... and this scares me too... but then I think that maybe I'm just overanalysing myself and I should just shut-up and do what I do... and at this point I end up with a look on my face that is something between a crosseyed monkey and one of those faces that you pull just before your mother warns you that if the wind changes you'll be stuck like that forever...
Anyway we should take a look at some happier thoughts... Christmas is over!!!! For another year at least... the stress, anxiety and tention that only comes with large gatherings of family who don't always see eye to eye has passed and a new year full of hopes and dreams is on its way :-D
Oh and I got photoshop for mac!!! Which is really exciting because now I don't have to re-start my computer into windows every time I want to edit some photo's :-D (which, lets be honest here, usually results in a sigh, and a shrug, and a look thats says "I'll get around to it some other day"...)
For you of course this means that there is a 30% chance I will be upoading more photo's online to break up the monotony of my sometimes excruciatingly long and boring posts... a chance similar to that of the threat of showers tomorrow night that leave me wondering whether or not it is worth my time assembling the tent and fairy lights that I seem to have decided I would like to do for the New Years Eve party I am hosting for the girls...
Close friends + pool + good food + party = A happy Darcy (especially as my lazy homebody ass can in no way imaginable be bothered trudging into town just to stand in line all day with a whole bunch of other completely trashed members of the public for a chance to see the famed Sydney fireworks live...)
And about this party... OMG! there is so much to do!!!! And here I've been stuck in my little "post christmas/pre new years - do absolutely nothing because its the only time of year you can and next year it may not be possible" hole. So I completely forgot that there is actually stuff to do!!! and organise!!! and Now I must do it ALL tomorrow!!! *eek* (the little procrastinating perfectionist that I am runs for the hills and hides in a deep dark corner of a mystical cave where time doesn't exist and no one can find her, taking slow deep breaths to try to compose herself)
Apart from all that I'm excited :-D I love playing host... it gives me something to do and generally means that I can actually enjoy myself instead of concetrating on being social all day :-D
(am I using to many emoticons today??? I think I am using to many emoticons...)
Anywho, that was slightly random and all over the place, but I just felt the need to write something... and this is what came out...
nighty night
P.S. If i forget (like I did with Christmas...) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :-D
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Two girls, a toilet and a phone...
So I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this but a few months ago I was splitting my time between home and Eddie's while her parents were overseas. Now we are both generally reasonable smart and clued in girls (if you ignore almost everything I write on this blog and our sheer stupidity when it comes to members of the male sex that is). But then of course there are the occasions when we act like pure bred blond bimbos and, as I'm all for full disclosure I think its time I share another such story...
It was a day sometime in August/September and I have no idea what the weather was like but it doesn't really matter because our story takes place inside. Eddy is standing in the hallway of her house looking through the bathroom door with a quizzical expression spread across her face.
"Darcy," she calls, "Come here, I need you to have a look at something"
"Do I have to?" comes my lazy ass response
"Yes you do"
"Can't you just bring it out for me to see or tell me what it is?"
"No I really need you to come look at this, like now!"
"all right, all right" I concede, and then continue to mumble my reluctance (?) all the way up the stairs, "I don't see why you can't just tell me *grumble* or even wait another 20 minutes until I am ready to come up... what could be that important anyway? *sigh mumble grumble*"
It is at this point that I reach the spot where Eddy stands and follow her gaze into the bathroom...
The two of us stand there in what I can only imagine is a comical fashion, staring in the same direction with similar expressions on our faces neither moving further forward or backwards just...
"it it?"
"its kinda..."
"on a slant!"
*insert the two of us tilting our heads to the left so as to reorient ourselves to the straight world we are used to (if that makes any sense to you at all) and then hysterical laughter as we realize a) how stupid we look and b) that we both did the exact thing at the exact same time (and believe you me this is not a random occurrence, as many of the photo's taken by our fellow shoppers in Melbourne 2 weeks ago would prove)*
You see the thingy at the back of the toilet that holds all the water (yes we are very technical here at appeared to be on about a 30* slant and as we were to discover later was holding onto the wall by sheer willpower...
So we approach the toilet in question and have a little look around. Checking down the back, around the sides, underneath, found a little water on the floor but didn't think much of it at the time... we of course had absolutely no idea what we were doing and so decided to call for re-enforcements. That doesn't mean though that we called the first plumber in the phone book... it means that we went on msn messenger to see which of our friends were online and ask around to see if anyone knew anything about toilets...
We found cheerboy, who by his own admissions knew absolutely jack all about plumbing but we assumed that meant he knew more than we did which was good enough for us! A few seconds later and we are back in the bathroom investigating the bummed toilet with our handy cheer boy assisting via correspondence on the phone. Here's something along the lines of how it went...
"So what is wrong exactly?"
"the bowl thing has come off the wall and is hanging at an angle"
"how did that happen!"
"We don't know!!!! it was just like this!"
"there is a metal thing on the back attached to the wall and it looks like there were some plastic screws that snapped off"
"so the thing was screwed into the metal thing" (Cheeryboy was using some type of terminology and trying to give us a toilet lesson at the same time but I don't remember what he said now so he will be reduced to my own and Eddy's level for now)
"No! the bowl was attached to the wall but the metal thing is also attached to the wall and the plastic screws went through both!"
Anyway I could continue to bore you all day with a continued manuscript of of senseless dialogue (or at least what I remember of it) but that wouldn't be entertaining at all. The gist of the matter is that we took the lid of (for whatever reason I'll never know because I don't think that was the issue) and it was only then that Eddy and I decided to inform Cheer boy that there was water everywhere on the floor oh and were we supposed to turn that water off? ... opps :-P hehehehehe
The water got turned off but the bowl was still leaking so we flushed the toilet... and in the process flushed the silver button down the drain with it... double opps! ummm what do we do now????
Well... we figured that its completely broken now *eek* our answer? put down the lid gently, back away from the toilet like its a lion prepared to pounce... close the door and *click, sigh* its safe. After all out of sight = out of mind = did it really ever happen??? I mean if no one can see it that is. We'll just use the other toilet for the rest of the week until the parents come back....
thankyou, and goodnight! :-P
much love,
P.S. I really like coments ;)
It was a day sometime in August/September and I have no idea what the weather was like but it doesn't really matter because our story takes place inside. Eddy is standing in the hallway of her house looking through the bathroom door with a quizzical expression spread across her face.
"Darcy," she calls, "Come here, I need you to have a look at something"
"Do I have to?" comes my lazy ass response
"Yes you do"
"Can't you just bring it out for me to see or tell me what it is?"
"No I really need you to come look at this, like now!"
"all right, all right" I concede, and then continue to mumble my reluctance (?) all the way up the stairs, "I don't see why you can't just tell me *grumble* or even wait another 20 minutes until I am ready to come up... what could be that important anyway? *sigh mumble grumble*"
It is at this point that I reach the spot where Eddy stands and follow her gaze into the bathroom...
The two of us stand there in what I can only imagine is a comical fashion, staring in the same direction with similar expressions on our faces neither moving further forward or backwards just...
"it it?"
"its kinda..."
"on a slant!"
*insert the two of us tilting our heads to the left so as to reorient ourselves to the straight world we are used to (if that makes any sense to you at all) and then hysterical laughter as we realize a) how stupid we look and b) that we both did the exact thing at the exact same time (and believe you me this is not a random occurrence, as many of the photo's taken by our fellow shoppers in Melbourne 2 weeks ago would prove)*
You see the thingy at the back of the toilet that holds all the water (yes we are very technical here at appeared to be on about a 30* slant and as we were to discover later was holding onto the wall by sheer willpower...
So we approach the toilet in question and have a little look around. Checking down the back, around the sides, underneath, found a little water on the floor but didn't think much of it at the time... we of course had absolutely no idea what we were doing and so decided to call for re-enforcements. That doesn't mean though that we called the first plumber in the phone book... it means that we went on msn messenger to see which of our friends were online and ask around to see if anyone knew anything about toilets...
We found cheerboy, who by his own admissions knew absolutely jack all about plumbing but we assumed that meant he knew more than we did which was good enough for us! A few seconds later and we are back in the bathroom investigating the bummed toilet with our handy cheer boy assisting via correspondence on the phone. Here's something along the lines of how it went...
"So what is wrong exactly?"
"the bowl thing has come off the wall and is hanging at an angle"
"how did that happen!"
"We don't know!!!! it was just like this!"
"there is a metal thing on the back attached to the wall and it looks like there were some plastic screws that snapped off"
"so the thing was screwed into the metal thing" (Cheeryboy was using some type of terminology and trying to give us a toilet lesson at the same time but I don't remember what he said now so he will be reduced to my own and Eddy's level for now)
"No! the bowl was attached to the wall but the metal thing is also attached to the wall and the plastic screws went through both!"
Anyway I could continue to bore you all day with a continued manuscript of of senseless dialogue (or at least what I remember of it) but that wouldn't be entertaining at all. The gist of the matter is that we took the lid of (for whatever reason I'll never know because I don't think that was the issue) and it was only then that Eddy and I decided to inform Cheer boy that there was water everywhere on the floor oh and were we supposed to turn that water off? ... opps :-P hehehehehe
The water got turned off but the bowl was still leaking so we flushed the toilet... and in the process flushed the silver button down the drain with it... double opps! ummm what do we do now????
Well... we figured that its completely broken now *eek* our answer? put down the lid gently, back away from the toilet like its a lion prepared to pounce... close the door and *click, sigh* its safe. After all out of sight = out of mind = did it really ever happen??? I mean if no one can see it that is. We'll just use the other toilet for the rest of the week until the parents come back....
thankyou, and goodnight! :-P
much love,
P.S. I really like coments ;)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Is she your... ?
Okay so we all know that I frequently complain about the fact that people often mistake me for being much younger than I actually am. (At least I think we all know, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it once or twice... at least I know that my friends hear me talk about it, not quite so sure I've mentioned it here but I can't really be bothered going through all my past posts to find out)
For example... when doing a little Christmas decoration shopping with the family last week dad ran into a work colleague who happened to know that Ariel had just finished her Higher School Certificate. After a whole discussion on subjects and marks and the relief that comes with finishing school she turned to me and - wait for it - said... "and what year are you in my dear?".... "mumble grumble bumble," goes I, *laughing slightly hysterically but trying to appear casually amused* "Oh me? I finished school three years ago" *take that!*
Ahh well, at least I know where this whole looking young thing came from... seems as if I have years and years of this to look foward to... thanks dad *insert sarcastic, too big for her boots voice here*... please, allow me to explain...
Last Thursday night dad had been out with his work mates for end of year drinks where he was mistaken for a 25 year old by a pair of 'slightly older' (than the '25 year old' they were eyeing off) women.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA. This made me laugh :-P - like physically fall on the floor bellyaching laugh. Not the type where you say "lol" but are really just staring at the computer screne either slightly amused or completely baffled with no other way to politely react (its for reasons like this that I think it would be quite amusing to watch a video of 2 people having a conversation online, to see the animated and emotional conversation, emoticons and all, juxtaposed against the motionless zombie like persons sitting infront of their screens) but back to the matter at hand...
Even though I admit he looks young for his age (48), could probably pass for a 35 maybe 30 year old (in perfect lighting conditions and provided you squinted a little). But even considering his recent operation to correct the alignment of his jaw (which has apparently taken years off his face... I just don't see it... possibly because when I look all I see is 'Dad') 25 is a bit young...this person obviously wasn't looking to hard (Sorry dad but its true).
Yesterday Dad (who shall be henceforth known @ this space as Morpheus) and I went to do our weekly grocery shop and somehow the check-out-chick came to the conclusion that my dads youth + me = couple... and even asked for confirmation! "Is she your... girlfriend?" WTF?!?!?!!!!!!!!!
Dad politely denied the claim? presumption? (I don't know, it was a presumption but that doesn't sound right in a sentence) and corrected her. It was only then that she took another look at me an said "Of course! I mean I knew she looks like a baby but..." - but what??? she never finished.
Which brings me to the conclusion that she made an inference based on my apparent age, my dads apparent lack of age and assumed that no teenage daughter would been seen dead doing the grocery shopping with her dad at 9:30pm on a Friday night (a situation which I admit to be rather unusual).
I'm sorry if its unusual but i actually enjoy the company of my parents and for the most part even look foward to my weekly one on one time with dad... (and those of you with dirty minds stop that right now! eww! I'm sorry if my language confuses you but as hard as i tried I couldn't find a turn of phrase that couldn't be misconstued...).
For the record, this is not the first time something of this nature has occured to my dad (even if its the first time with me). A few years ago he was shopping with Ariel in Cronulla when 2 of his students saw him. They didn't mention it at the time but the next Monday at school claimed that "hey Sir! Saw you at Cronulla with your girlfriend on the weekend... *raise bushy teenage eyebrows suggestively* LOL. Poor dad... poor mum... *sigh*
Anyway thats all really
Tata for today
For example... when doing a little Christmas decoration shopping with the family last week dad ran into a work colleague who happened to know that Ariel had just finished her Higher School Certificate. After a whole discussion on subjects and marks and the relief that comes with finishing school she turned to me and - wait for it - said... "and what year are you in my dear?".... "mumble grumble bumble," goes I, *laughing slightly hysterically but trying to appear casually amused* "Oh me? I finished school three years ago" *take that!*
Ahh well, at least I know where this whole looking young thing came from... seems as if I have years and years of this to look foward to... thanks dad *insert sarcastic, too big for her boots voice here*... please, allow me to explain...
Last Thursday night dad had been out with his work mates for end of year drinks where he was mistaken for a 25 year old by a pair of 'slightly older' (than the '25 year old' they were eyeing off) women.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA. This made me laugh :-P - like physically fall on the floor bellyaching laugh. Not the type where you say "lol" but are really just staring at the computer screne either slightly amused or completely baffled with no other way to politely react (its for reasons like this that I think it would be quite amusing to watch a video of 2 people having a conversation online, to see the animated and emotional conversation, emoticons and all, juxtaposed against the motionless zombie like persons sitting infront of their screens) but back to the matter at hand...
Even though I admit he looks young for his age (48), could probably pass for a 35 maybe 30 year old (in perfect lighting conditions and provided you squinted a little). But even considering his recent operation to correct the alignment of his jaw (which has apparently taken years off his face... I just don't see it... possibly because when I look all I see is 'Dad') 25 is a bit young...this person obviously wasn't looking to hard (Sorry dad but its true).
Yesterday Dad (who shall be henceforth known @ this space as Morpheus) and I went to do our weekly grocery shop and somehow the check-out-chick came to the conclusion that my dads youth + me = couple... and even asked for confirmation! "Is she your... girlfriend?" WTF?!?!?!!!!!!!!!
Dad politely denied the claim? presumption? (I don't know, it was a presumption but that doesn't sound right in a sentence) and corrected her. It was only then that she took another look at me an said "Of course! I mean I knew she looks like a baby but..." - but what??? she never finished.
Which brings me to the conclusion that she made an inference based on my apparent age, my dads apparent lack of age and assumed that no teenage daughter would been seen dead doing the grocery shopping with her dad at 9:30pm on a Friday night (a situation which I admit to be rather unusual).
I'm sorry if its unusual but i actually enjoy the company of my parents and for the most part even look foward to my weekly one on one time with dad... (and those of you with dirty minds stop that right now! eww! I'm sorry if my language confuses you but as hard as i tried I couldn't find a turn of phrase that couldn't be misconstued...).
For the record, this is not the first time something of this nature has occured to my dad (even if its the first time with me). A few years ago he was shopping with Ariel in Cronulla when 2 of his students saw him. They didn't mention it at the time but the next Monday at school claimed that "hey Sir! Saw you at Cronulla with your girlfriend on the weekend... *raise bushy teenage eyebrows suggestively* LOL. Poor dad... poor mum... *sigh*
Anyway thats all really
Tata for today
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
last night my room threw up... it went *bleh*
no really it did... all of my stuff was out in the hall, strewn about like it was nobody's business... why you may ask? Well because I was cleaning of course! And as everyone knows (well those of us who tend to make a habit of cleaning their room in a superficial manner and even then only once they have been suitably threatened that the failure to do so will result in serious consequences), when you choose to do a thorough clean (say once every three to four years), its always going to get worse before it gets better.... much worse...
like sleeping on the couch because even though you have been working on clearing it for the last 7 hours and its now 1am, there isn't enough room on the bed for a body to sit... let alone lie down.
(and its only now that I realise that my last two post have included what can only be described as unpleasent bodily functions... I promise to try harder not to do this in the future)
So now, 10 hours, 4 garbage bags, one old school bag and a pile of paper as high as my thigh later... my room is clean, the hutch on my desk is gone... and it looks like there is space in here for the first time in, well, ever!
oh! and also.... the walls are bare... I never noticed before how much wall space there is in my room... its hideous!... I hate bare walls! I hate them! I hat them!
Which leaves me here... sitting on my bed with a hammer poised in my hand in a manner that appears just a little unstable, and a slightly crazed look on my face, staring at my computer screen because I've been sitting here all night and just have no idea where to start... it's either that or I get out a texter and start drawing foliage on my gum tree green walls - something which could be quite entertaining when mum see's it... although I don't really want to be on the receiving end of that stick so I think ill just stay seated for now...
So, I'll leave you with that picture... because really thats all I had to say today...
nighty night
like sleeping on the couch because even though you have been working on clearing it for the last 7 hours and its now 1am, there isn't enough room on the bed for a body to sit... let alone lie down.
(and its only now that I realise that my last two post have included what can only be described as unpleasent bodily functions... I promise to try harder not to do this in the future)
So now, 10 hours, 4 garbage bags, one old school bag and a pile of paper as high as my thigh later... my room is clean, the hutch on my desk is gone... and it looks like there is space in here for the first time in, well, ever!
oh! and also.... the walls are bare... I never noticed before how much wall space there is in my room... its hideous!... I hate bare walls! I hate them! I hat them!
Which leaves me here... sitting on my bed with a hammer poised in my hand in a manner that appears just a little unstable, and a slightly crazed look on my face, staring at my computer screen because I've been sitting here all night and just have no idea where to start... it's either that or I get out a texter and start drawing foliage on my gum tree green walls - something which could be quite entertaining when mum see's it... although I don't really want to be on the receiving end of that stick so I think ill just stay seated for now...
So, I'll leave you with that picture... because really thats all I had to say today...
nighty night
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