Well, lets set the scene by also adding that Eddy did have an assessment to work on all day and they had already been shopping once this weekend…. This is a once in a lifetime series of events – one that should be celebrated on an annual basis by all creatures great and small!... – okay, not quite sure what I was getting at there so we’ll move along shall we?
So, anyway, due to this unforseen set of events brought about by Mercury and its curious alignment with the nodes, whilst simultaneously at an exact 47.325 degree angle to Jupiter, I found myself at 10 am this morning having already achieved everything I had set out to do for the day (sleep in and dance in the garage… don’t even bother trying to get your head around that, its just one of many weird and wacky habits of mine) well that is except go for a bike ride to prepare for the 90km I’ll have to ride next Sunday (a whole other story) but it was raining and I just didn’t feel like getting wet today… with nothing to do.
*Insert Darcy slouching on the living room lounges facing the blank tv with her laptop open, a dazed look in her eyes as she stares 45° to her right with no sense of purpose*
(much like I am doing now whilst twirling a strand of my hair trying desperately to scrape some sort of ‘interestingness’ out of my brain and into this post here)
- did u know that when you search the phrase “i am histerically funny” on Google I’m the second site that comes up… lol my atrocious spelling comes in handy for something… just thought I’d let you know :D –
Anywho, that’s not the point of this post… actually I don’t know what the point of this post was… maybe just to get me writing again???
The pics should give you some sort of idea of the mischief I got up too on my day off… but then again most of it must be left off the record :p. I should probably make special mention of the fact that all was done in public areas of the house leading me to drive the rest of my lovely family crazy as I flitted from room to room progressively taking up every spare bit of space in the house… don’t you love me :D *angel halo*
lots of luv