Oh Darcy, Darcy, Darcy - you don't mind if i talk to myself publicly do you?
Oh Darcy, Darcy Darcy... *shakes head and giggles inwardly*
What have you done this time?!
Its not my fault really... and it all turned out right in the end - so that counts for something doesn't it???
The fact that I could have gotten my car stolen in the process... well... hmmm...
Maybe I'd better start from the beginning.
So I was staying at Eddy's place (because her parents are out of the country on a European extravaganza and if you knew Eddy then you would know that leaving her to fend for herself is a recipe for total destruction, I mean she did start a fire melting tomato and cheese on toast... without the toast!!... okay so maybe thats taking things a bit far, she has come a long way since then...
Anywho, the point is that I was staying at Eddy's, it was about 11am and I was quite enjoying my lazy day avoiding every bit of uni work piling on my virtual desk by lounging around in my pj's watching episodes of Skins when....
Da da daaaaaaa.............
My phone rings (the message tone), its my friendly neighborhood phone store and they are informing me that they have just gotten some iphones that I have been waiting 2 months for in stock, they cannot legally hold any for me but if I can get into the city in time there should be one for me to call my very own (and Ariel, who was getting one as a belated birthday present)
What?!?! Now?!?! Of all days?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
But I'm in my PJ's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was my day at home!!! (well actually I had planned to be at uni doing a group assignment but my partner had needed to pull out at the last minute due to work commitments - but that is completely besides the point!
I have to get into town NOW.
So, call mum and dad, let them know what's going on, find my bag, get dressed.
Right bag - check, clothes - check, wallet check, what am I missing?.. KEYS! my keys, where are my keys???
Right about now I am running around Ed's house like a headless chicken.
Table! no...
Back table! no...
Entrance table! no...
Spare bed where I dump all my stuff when I walk in?... NO!
where could they be!!!! I need to get to the station *eek*
oh no... oh no oh no oh no... last night... when I dropped some of my stuff in Eddy's car... what if i missed them!!! Quickley. Call Eddy... she's in a lecture... "Do you have my keys?!" You don't know?... okay I'll keep looking
"Mum I can't find my keys... Yes I know there is nothing you can do from work"
"Dad?!... no :("
Okay maybe if I just go outside and look at my car they will miraculously appear in my hands...
Then I see it - the light shining - no, then I see THEM... those oh not so innocent 2 timing, gah!
My keys! They are in the ignition of my locked car!!!!!!
You could see that coming couldn't you? I tell you its all so typically me, the one time I actually need to be a normal being that takes her keys out of the car when they themselves get out an lock the door... it is was just so typically me to forget that most basic of directives on the only day in my recent memory when I truly needed them and there was no one there who could help me.
Anyway, there is a happy ending to my all so pathetic story... my lovely superhero friend Codie took time out of her day off to get dressed and come immediately to pick me up, only to drop me off at the station and go back home.
Oh and I got the phone :D.
lots of hugz